Operation Anti-Citizen One
Fun OperationOperation Anti-Citizen
Location: Sector D (Sumava)
Date : ???
Time: 0630
Weather: Foggy
a. Enemy Forces: Resistance fighters have entrenched themselves in Sumava. This region still has a massive rebel presence due to the construction of the citadel in the city. The Resistance is led by Gordon Freeman and supported by Lambda insurgents.
b. Friendly Forces: Combine military units have been called to the region as Civil protection units have proven ineffective in the region.
c. Attachments and Detachments:
Units equipped with shock rifles and pulse weaponry
Stalker Detachment equipped for reconnaissance and sabotage.
d. Terrain and Weather: Both open terrain offering little cover and urban terrain with high-density structures provides cover but also limits visibility and mobility.
Current weather conditions: Clear
Combine forces will eliminate all Resistance elements in the region, capture Gordon Freeman, and clear out Zen life found in the region This mission is critical to maintaining Combine supremacy in the region and of Earth.
a. Commander’s Intent: The primary objective is the complete eradication of Resistance forces and secure recovery of combine technology while minimizing damage to valuable interdimensional assets.
b. Tasks :
Nova (Legion) will be the Main acting Force in the Region ensuring presence is maintained and positive influence is gained.
Stalker (Panther) Conduct pre-assault sabotage on Resistance power and communication lines and provide real-time reconnaissance to Nova unit.
Gamma (Rook) Provide fire support of the main force.
Coordinating Instructions:
Rules of Engagement (ROE): Terminate Resistance forces on sight. Capture Freeman alive unless operational conditions dictate otherwise.
Contingency Plans: Retreat and reinforce the citadel if Xen and rebels overwhelm operational capabilities.
A. Logistics:
Resupply points established at established captured bases, overwatch will provide.
Specialized Combine rations and ammo caches available at rally points.
B. Medical Evacuation:
Medivac stations or CCP established and operated by Medic Synths.
C. Personnel:
All units equipped with Combine-standard hazard suppression gear.
A. Command:
Overall Command: Overwatch Administrator (Zeus)
Secondary Command: Nova Unit Leader
Succession of Command: Gamma Division Lead, Stalker Lead
B. Signal:
Primary Communication: Standard net