Operation Black Market

Standard Operation
By Cpl NonvoOctober 12, 2024 - 1:00 PM
Operation Banner

1. Situation

a. Orientation:

Current Locations:

  • FOB Reagan: All units and assets are currently positioned at FOB Reagan.

Objective Locations:

  • Objective Shrek: An informant has spotted a weapons cache at a town named “Glendye”. BLUFOR is tasked to destroy the weapon cache.
  • Objective Liquid: Informant provided information that a WARLORD, “General Mutambaman,” was seen last near Marshbrook. Eliminate or capture the WARLORD.
  • Objective Sunray: BLUFOR was provided intel about an experimental weapon located at “PB Sunray”. BLUFOR is tasked to secure that intel.
  • Objective Hondo: BLUFOR was provided intel about an experimental weapon located at “PB Hondo”. BLUFOR is tasked to secure that intel.
  • Objective Phantom: Two nearby villages that contain an HVI and the control panel of the experimental weapon.

b. Environment:

  • Weather: Clear skies.
  • Terrain: War-torn urban areas mixed with safari-like terrain. River crossings will serve as a critical point for convoy movement.
  • Local Population: Civilians are present in large cities, siding with both BLUFOR and OPFOR.

c. Enemy Forces:


  • Size: There is a large civilian population in the region. It is unclear how much of the population is part of the Cartel.
  • Activity: The Cartel is well trained in concealment and hiding their activity. They have positioned spotters to detect and report any activity happening in their region and are ready to respond with their forces.
  • Location: Cartel has occupied checkpoints, towns, and cities in the region.
  • Unit and Type: Insurgent cell infantry and light-armed vehicles.
  • Time: The Cartel is still unaware of the intel gathered by BLUFOR. They will react immediately once BLUFOR has started activity.
  • Equipment: The Cartel is expected to be lightly geared with light arms and light vehicles. Light arms (AK-47s, SKS rifles), RPGs, and LMG emplacements.
  • Strength: The Cartel has high control over the region. The cities and towns would most likely be established as possible QRF bases for the Cartel.
  • Weaknesses: The Cartel lacks sophisticated equipment such as heavily armored vehicles, anti-air, and powerful scopes.


  • Defend: The Cartel will use spotters, prepared defensive positions, booby traps, and mines to hold key terrain.
  • Reinforce: The Cartel can call in reinforcements from nearby cities, increasing their strength quickly.
  • Attack: The Cartel is likely to attack in waves, utilizing their numerical advantage.
  • Withdraw: The WARLORD may escape north towards the region of “Malawi”.
  • Delay: Expect the Cartel to delay movements with IEDs, ambushes along the routes, and waves of light patrol vehicles.

d. Friendly Forces:

  • Higher’s Mission and Intent: Establish a convoy to secure and destroy the weapon cache. Eliminate or capture the WARLORD to prevent further destabilization in the region.
  • Adjacent Units: South African Defense Force (SANDF), Motorized Division (Dagger and Rook), and Ranger Regiment (Panther and Esper).
  • Supporting Units: Rotary Division (Air Combat Element) for transport, recon, and resupply.

e. Attachments/Detachments:

  • Attachments:
    • Ranger Regiment (Panther and Esper) — Rotary Division (ACE) for infiltration and extraction operations.
    • Motorized Division (Dagger and Rook) — Rotary Division (ACE) for reinforcements and resupply.
  • Detachments: None

2. Mission

  • When: 6 April 2013 at 0600H
  • Who: Motorized Division (Dagger, Rook), Ranger Regiment (Panther, Esper), Rotary Division (ACE)
  • What: Destroy weapon cache, kill or capture WARLORD, disable experimental weapon
  • Where: Mutambara, Zambezi Region, Africa
  • Why: To gain the confidence of the African Nationals by eliminating possible threats in the region.
  • Intel: There is a friendly agent in the region with intel about the cartel forces. He has a stall in a small town nearby.

3. Execution

a. Commander’s Intent:

  • Purpose: Neutralize threats in the region by taking down opposing leadership and safeguarding civilians.
  • Key Tasks:
    • Motorized Division:
      • Locate and destroy the weapon cache with the convoy.
      • Kill or capture the WARLORD.
    • Ranger Regiment:
      • Gather intel at locations provided by the informant.
      • Rescue HVI and disable the experimental weapon.
    • Rotary Division:
      • Provide transport for units.
      • Provide recon for ground forces.
      • Extract HVI to FOB Raegan.
      • Extract HVT to FOB Raegan (Optional).
  • End State: WARLORD eliminated or captured.

b. Concept of Operations:

Scheme of Maneuver:

  • Phase 1A: Establish a convoy from FOB Raegan to “Glendye”.
  • Phase 1B: Establish a regiment and infiltrate “PB Sunray”.
  • Phase 2A: Assault Marshbrook with force and provide a distraction for Ranger Regiment.
  • Phase 2B: Establish a regiment and infiltrate “PB Hondo”.
  • Phase 3A: Eliminate or capture the HVT in the said area.
  • Phase 3B: Extract HVI and disable the experimental weapon.
  • Phase 4A: Return to base for debrief.
  • Phase 4B: Return to base for debrief.

c. Tasks to Subordinate Units:

  • Motorized Division: Destroy weapons cache and assault Marshbrook.
  • Ranger Regiment: Infiltrate and neutralize the experimental weapon.
  • Rotary Division: Provide recon and transport support.

d. Coordinating Instructions:

  • Rules of Engagement: Standard — Engage enemy forces as necessary to secure objectives and protect allied forces. Minimize civilian casualties.
  • Movement Formation: Adjust formations as necessary based on terrain and enemy activity.
  • Actions on Contact: Immediate suppression and maneuver to defeat enemy forces.
  • Rally Points: Designated at each objective for consolidation and resupply.

4. Administration and Logistics

a. Beans:

  • Rations: No need to bring rations and water.

b. Bullets:

  • Ammo Loadout: Standard issue with additional ammunition.
  • Assets:
    • Motorized Division: 4x Trucks, 5x M240 Jeeps, 4x TOW Jeeps, 4x Jeeps.
    • Ranger Regiment: No assets.
    • Rotary Division: 2x UH-1D Helis, 2x Little Bird.

c. Band-Aids:

  • Casualty Collection Point (CCP): Located at FOB Raegan.
  • Medical Assets: Airlift via 2x UH-1D Helis.

d. Bad Guys:

  • Handling POWs: 5Ss and a T (Search, Silence, Segregate, Speed, Safeguard, and Tag) for any captured enemy combatants.

5. Command and Signal

a. Signal:

  • Primary and Alternate Frequencies: Designated by command.
  • Call Signs:
    • Motorized Division: Dagger, Rook.
    • Ranger Regiment: Panther, Esper.
    • Rotary Division: Ace.

b. Command Posts:

  • Main CP: FOB Raegan.

c. Challenge Phrase:

  • Phrase: Atong
  • Answer: Ang

End of OPORD for Operation Black Market
Curators: Nonvo and BigBoss
Mods: PJSF Base Mods v9 + Mutambara + Lambs Danger