Operation Undershaft

Standard Operation
By PFC FirzuOctober 19, 2024 - 1:00 PM
Operation Banner

OPORD for Operation Sky Shield

1. Situation

a. Orientation:

Current Locations:

MSR Orion (012, 682): Dagger, ROOK, ACP and their assets are currently positioned at MSR Orion.

Silver Wing AFB (067, 661): Remaining assets of ACE & ESPER are currently located at the Silver Wing AFB.

Objective Locations:

Objective Aguila (030, 703): Recapture the insurgent controlled Town of Pala.

Objective Traidor (031, 723): Retake the Insurgent controlled FOB Mistral and check for any SAPIN Armed Forces Prisoners.

Objective Vanguard (055, 722): Retake the town of Shwasana from Insurgent control.

Objective Harbinger (079, 737): Search and Destroy enemy Operations Base in the Area.

b. Environment:

Weather: Clear skies.

Terrain: Safari-like terrain with heavy foliage. There is a small river dividing Eastern and Western Niakala

Local Population: Civilians are present in large cities and most towns

c. Enemy Forces:

Salvación sin fronteras Insurgent group

SAPIN Armed Forces Deserters (Remnants of 3rd Mechanized Company)

Size: Heavy resistance from both Salvación sin fronteras and SAPIN Deserters. Estimated size is a Platoon to even Company Size

Activity: Salvación sin fronteras is known in utilizing concealment and ambushes. Additionally SAPIN Armed Forces Deserters are known to be skilled in utilizing unconventional tactics of armored assets.

Location: Salvación sin fronteras has occupied towns, the main city in Niakala and FOB Mistral

Unit and Type: Insurgent cell infantry mixed with SAPIN Deserters utilizing Light and Heavy arms and Light and heavy armored Assets.

Equipment: Salvación sin fronteras & SAPIN Deserters is expected with Light to Heavy arms (Stolen SAPIN Weapons, AK47s, RPKs, RPGs) whilst also Utilizing light vehicles, heavy armored vehicles (Stolen Armor) and LMG & AT emplacements.

Enemy’s Most Likely Course of Action (EMLCOA): Salvación sin fronteras & SAPIN Deserters will likely hold key locations and launch counterattacks to disrupt any potential efforts in retaking captured areas

Enemy’s Most Dangerous Course of Action (EMDCOA): Salvación sin fronteras & SAPIN Deserters could launch a major counteroffensive on Allied elements utilizing a mixed of mechanized and motorized units to disrupt Allied efforts.

d. Friendly Forces:

Higher’s Mission and Intent: The Quick Response Force (Dagger, ROOK, ACP) with support from ACE will move into Niakala to destroy any enemy presence in the Northern towns of Niakala, FOB Mistral & The suspected location of the Salvación sin fronteras’s Operation’s base.

Adjacent Units: 4th Motorized Division is able to assist once the Regis airfield is secured (Offmap).

Supporting Units: 16th Royal Airforce Wing (ACE) for Aerial & Recon Operations

e. Attachments/Detachments:


14th Infantry Platoon (Dagger) — 16th Royal Airforce Wing (FAW & ESPER) for Air Operations

12th Mechanized Company (ACP and Rook) — 16th Royal Airforce Wing (FAW & ESPER) for Air Operations

2. Mission

When: 22 August 1995 at 0800H

Who: 14th Infantry Platoon (Dagger), 12th Mech Comp (ROOK & ACP), 16th Royal Air Wing (ACE)

What: Recapture Taken Towns & FOB Mistral, Destroy enemy Operations base and known stolen assets.

Where: Niakala , Astares Region, Kingdom of Sapin

Why: To quell and bring order in Niakala and to reclaim or destroy stolen assets by retaking captured areas and locating then destroying the known insurgent threats.

3. Execution

a. Commander’s Intent:

Purpose: Neutralize Insurgent operations in Niakala by taking down the known threats and securing captured towns.

Key Tasks:

14th Infantry Platoon (Dagger): Act as a Quick reaction force and reinforce allied elements in Niakala, then recapture Pala & Shwasana and destroy the last known location of the insurgent Operations base.

12th Mechanized Company (ROOK & ACP): Support the Infantry in their tasking to neutralize insurgent threat. Repel any known vehicular threats.

16th Royal Airforce Wing (ACE): With remaining assets, Provide Air operations (CAS, CAP and Transport)

End State: Insurgent Threat neutralized and order is brought back to Niakala

b. Concept of Operations:

Scheme of Maneuver:

Phase 1: Establish a convoy in MSR Orion

Phase 2: Clear Pala from any insurgent threats and ensure civilian safety

Phase 3: Recapture FOB Mistral from Insurgent control

Phase 4: Retake Shwasana from insurgent control and ensure civilian safety.

Phase 5: Search and Destroy the known enemy Operating base in the Area

Phase 6: Hold key towns and wait for SAPIN Relief Forces.

c. Tasks to Subordinate Units:

14th Infantry Platoon (Dagger): Reinforce Friendly elements in Niakala, retake Pala, FOB Mistral and Shwasana from Insurgent hands. Search and destroy Insurgent Operations base.

12th Mechanized Company (ROOK & ACP): Provide ground support for Infantry during the recapturing of Pala, FOB Mistral, Shwasana. Assist in the assault of Insurgent Operations base.

16th Royal Airforce Wing (ACE): Provide Aerial & Recon support for ground units.

d. Coordinating Instructions:

Rules of Engagement: Standard — Engage enemy forces as necessary to secure objectives and protect allied forces. Minimize civilian casualties.

Movement Formation: Utilize convoy formations during transport, then switch to combat formations upon contact

Actions on Contact: Immediate suppression and maneuver to defeat enemy forces.

Rally Points: Designated at near each objective for consolidation and resupply.

4. Administration and Logistics

a. Beans:
Rations: Standard SAPIN MREs, Resupply available at Silver Wing AFB.

b. Bullets:
Ammo Loadout: Standard SAPIN issue with additional ammunition. Resupplied via Friendly Air or Trucks


14th Infantry Platoon: 4x Transport Trucks, 6x M1025A2 (M2 Browning), 6x M1043A2 (Unarmed), 2x M1123

12th Mechanized Company: 3x M60 Patton Tanks, 3x M113 (M2 Browning), 1x AIO Truck

16th Royal Airforce Wing: 1x UH-1D (Gunship), 1x UH-1D (Transport), 1x UH-1D (Medevac), 3x L-159 Alca (Minimal Munitions), 2x Land Rover (M2 Browning), 1x Land Rover Transport

c. Band-Aids:

Casualty Collection Point (CCP): Located at Silver Wing AFB.

Medical Assets: Airlift via UH-1D Helis.

d. Bad Guys:

Handling POWs: 5Ss and a T (Search, Silence, Segregate, Speed, Safeguard, and Tag) for any captured enemy combatants.

5. Command and Signal

a. Signal:
Primary and Alternate Frequencies: Designated by command.

Call Signs:

14th Infantry Platoon: Dagger

12th Mechanized Company: ROOK, ACP

16th Royal Airforce Wing: ESPER (Cuervo), ACE/FAW (Cuchillo)

b. Command Posts:

Main CP: Silver Wing AFB.

c. Challenge Phrase:

Phrase: Blue

Answer: Skies

6. Additional Notes

A. Enemy Air assets will come from an Off Map source known as Regis Airfield which will be taken by friendlies midway (Will Utilize Hasty armed aircrafts)

B. This op is based on the world of Strangereal (Ace Combat Series) any weird country names like Belka, FATO, Osea, etc. Are based on countries in the Series and assets utilized are closely related shown in the series.

End of OPORD for Operation Undershaft